for me. | Canon EOS R

i’m writing this out as it unfolds. my laptop currently sounds like a jet. it’s engines are running high and loud as it exports this video you’re about to see. i don’t want to talk about it much but rather show you. thank you so much for coming over from instagram and actually putting in the time to visit my website to see this video.

Episode 2 of First Time Abroad is out!

I have decided to release an episode every monday of this series for the next couple of weeks. I can’t say how many episode are left because of time. I have been doing two days worth of footage into one video. as why the episodes are long. I didn’t want to break them down simply because i felt a days worth would be perhaps a bit slow. The episodes really pick up now and i feel get better as the trip advanced.

First Time Abroad is out!

My first episode of First Time Abroad is out now. I decided to take a different approach on vlogging this trip. I took the more old school route of putting footage together in order of how it was shot with a modern taste of editing to it. This is something I plan to watch at later stages of my life as to why I didn’t just make a full out compilation video. I will most likely do on of those at the very end of the series. So that is why these episodes are long and non-traditional. This is my time abroad. The short summary is… I travel to the Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium.

Shot on: Canon EOS R 24-105L RF, Canon 50mm 1.8 STM C-Log 4k Timelapse Mode Gear -